5 Ideas to Increase the Appeal of Your Small Backyard

steel fence

Big backyards are the last thing you can expect in an urban lifestyle. You’ve got the rush of vehicles, the horizon littered with skyscrapers, and the thrum of life beating into the early morning, but very rarely a spacious backyard that you can turn into your outdoor oasis.

Instead, what you have are awkwardly shaped nooks with grass and a glimmer of potential that you don’t know how to utilize. When you’re eager to enjoy the sun in your little corner of the city, there are methods you can use to increase its appeal and make it more enjoyable to lounge in. The trick is to find which design hacks and inspirations work for you and giving your small backyard a chance to shine.

Create Zones

If you’re looking into cooking, dining, and lounging in your backyard, creating zones is effective in making it look more organized. Use built-in furniture that you can position near the perimeter to create the illusion of a bigger space in the middle. Opt for vertical gardens to decorate your perimeter and establish the zones better by using brick, gravel, or stone walkways. Done well, your small backyard will look organized, functional, and pleasing to the eyes.

Harness the Power of Lighting

Good lighting achieves wonderful things even outdoors. You can DIY this or hire a professional to help you choose the best light and style for your specific landscape. At night, it can even make the space look bigger and more serene, giving you the feeling that you’re at a scenic restaurant or resort. Some ideas include lighting up the pathways and some key corners of the backyard. You can install sconce lighting for plants on the wall and on the ground. If you want something more extravagant, go for fairy lights or lanterns overhead or Christmas lights around your plants and trees.

Install the Right Furniture

Nothing beats the right choice of furniture and tools when it comes to creating an eye-candy of a backyard. Since you don’t want to dwarf the space, pick medium-sized to small furniture that’s comfortable enough to use. Go for round or irregularly shaped chairs to soften the already-edgy perimeter of your backyard. If you want, you can go for foldable tables, chairs, and umbrellas so that they’re easier to set aside in case you’re using the space for another activity. Opt for colors that make you feel peaceful like whites and blues or cheery like yellows and oranges.


There’s also the matter of choosing a quality grill that makes mingling and outdoor dining more enticing. Go for reputable brands and components such as high-quality Lynx grill parts. Aside from its appeal, you don’t want to create a hazard by using cheap alternatives that could break down or start a fire. The same applies to other furniture and appliances you may use like portable fire pits, hanging Papasan chairs, and hammocks.

Get Inspiration from Your Interior

Your backyard doesn’t need to be an alien part of your house. In fact, you might feel cozier and at home in it when you use the same design as your interior. Is the room nearest its entrance designed in blue and white walls and décor? Extend this aesthetic to your backyard by painting the fence white and decorating the perimeter with blue flowers.

You can even bring out furniture that you haven’t used much so that it can serve its purpose. Making your backyard feel like a second living room or dining room will simplify the process of styling it and give you the opportunity to use what you already have for décor.

Be a Minimalist

Revamping your small backyard will only succeed if you can avoid cramping it with too much décor. A cluttered look is the last thing you’ll want, as that will only make a small space even smaller. When you’re choosing plants, furniture, lights, and appliances, make sure that you’re selecting those that you will surely use. See how they’ll complement one another and if they’ll give your backyard that streamlined appeal. Any time you feel as though there’s a lack of breathing space, remove overpowering elements until you achieve the perfect balance.

Small backyards may be challenging, but they’re not impossible to turn into your private urban paradise. Hire professional help, or if you are DIYing it, don’t be discouraged by a few wrong choices at first. It takes a lot of time and effort, but this is one home improvement you don’t want to miss out on.

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