5 Little Adjustments to Make Your Home Earth-Friendly

eco friendly house

You may not realize it but pollution is one of the world’s biggest killers today. That might leave you scratching your head in surprise. But statistics show a very dire situation. Pollution affects over 2 0 million people globally. If you put that in perspective, pollution takes a heavier toll than many of the most dreaded diseases on the planet. We’re talking about malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis diseases. You can add all the deaths caused by these three killer diseases but pollution kills more people every year.  In 2012 alone, pollution killed about nine million people.

To make matters worse, individuals exposed to high levels of pollution have a higher risk of suffering from serious illnesses like cancer. One major factor contributing to this is the greenhouse effect. To note, this effect is a process that warms the Earth naturally. Come to think of it, what was our biggest ally in the past has now become a threat to our very survival.

This is because some human activities such as burning coal, agriculture, land clearing, and improper waste disposal increase the concentrations of greenhouse gases. And this harms the planet in the long run, and by extension humans. Some other simple things like light, temperature, and sound can also be considered pollutants when artificially introduced into the environment.

Apparently, we all have a part to play in making our environment more Earth-friendly. We should start small. Indeed, turning your home into an eco-friendly abode should be top of that list. Here’s how.

Wash Clothes in Cold Water

Usually, a lot of people heat the water when using a washing machine for their laundry. But to make sure your home is earth-friendly, it is best to make use of the cold water setting on the washing machine.

This will not only lessen the carbon-dioxide emission, but your clothes would also be kept in good condition for a longer time. And this is because hot water tends to reduce the vibrancy of colorful clothes and deteriorate fabrics.

But of course, if you are trying to get stubborn stains out of your clothes, hot water should be used. Asides from this, there is no need to use the hot water setting on your washing machine.

Also, if you do not think the cold water setting does a good job, you can make use of the warm water setting. This is still a better option than the hot water and also more effective than the cold water setting.

Get Garbage Disposal Tools

For starters, it is important to get your own recycling bin. If you’re sincere about making your abode as eco-friendly as possible, it’s not an option; it’s a must. In this regard, buying a recycling bin online should be handy. Indeed, the garbage processing tool a timely reminder. Having a recycling bin will make you more mindful about recycling things (e.g., glass bottles, paper, jars, etc.).

Moreover, having a compost bin is also as important as this would help you do away with leftovers and also provide you with free fertilizer for all your plants. In recent times, compost bins are made to be odor-free, neat, and tidy. They also make life much easier as they help in reducing household waste.

Plant Herbs

If you have been deliberating on what to use the compost for, you can consider planting your herb garden. You have nothing to worry about because herbs do not take up so much space.

man gardening

You can make use of small pots in planting and keep them near a sunny window in your home. One other good thing about this is that you will have fresh and healthy herbs readily available for your cooking.

Get Window Treatments

Blinds and curtains are used to keep cool air and the heat outside and not just to keep prying neighbors away. The heat and cool air can still get in, despite keeping the windows closed. And If there is no big tree outside your home that can protect it from the scorching sun, especially during summer, your home will feel just like an oven.

This is why it is best you upgrade your curtains as well as your blinds. It is a good way to ensure the temperature is maintained and that your home is environmentally friendly.

Homemade Natural Cleaning Products

There are a lot of natural cleaning agents available and just like the regular ones, they are also very effective. And the good thing is that they do not contain harmful chemicals which are bad for your health and the environment.

These natural cleaning products are usually more expensive than regular cleaning products, and not everyone can purchase them. The good news is you can make these cleaning agents right at home with items like baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar.

Indeed, there is so much you can do to make sure your home and environment are safe and conducive, and thereby more earth-friendly. You just need to put these into practice regularly and make necessary adjustments. It may look like baby steps but truth be told Mother Earth should love you for it.

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