Coping with the Delta Variant: What You Can Do Now

working with mask on

As of Aug 12, 5 .3 percent of Americans already have full vaccinations against Covid-19. However, it is frustrating that this is accompanied by the rampant spread of the Covid-19 Delta. Since there have been breakthrough cases of fully vaccinated individuals still infected by the Delta variant, everyone must remain vigilant and follow the latest health and safety protocols.

For some, the frustration can lead to depression and other mental health issues without immediate intervention. There are ways to help yourself overcome the situation, though.

Get Vaccinated

If you are not yet among those who are fully vaccinated, it is imperative to get your shots as soon as possible. Most of the current cases and fatalities are among the unvaccinated. Even if there are breakthrough cases, these are few, at less than 0.08 percent as of Aug 10. Find out where you can get the vaccine in your area. The government is making this accessible to everyone.

With full vaccination, you will be able to move around more freely with confidence. You will be required to wear a mask only indoors in public areas where there is currently a high transmission rate for the Delta variant. Other areas that still require the wearing of masks for the fully vaccinated are on public transportation and public transportation hubs, as well as schools. Getting full vaccination will help calm your anxiety.

Renovate Your House

If you still do not feel confident enough to stay out of the house often, you can turn your energies into improving your house, making it more comfortable to stay in. According to Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS), more Americans are remodeling their houses in the second half of 2021 and this will continue until the middle of 2022 to reach a growth of 8.6 percent and a value of more than $380 billion.

If you own your home, your home equity has increased due to the rising prices of residential real estate. According to ATTOM’s U.S. Home Equity & Underwater Report, in the second quarter of 2021, 34.4 percent of all mortgaged homes in the country are now equity-rich, meaning the owners’ remaining loans are 50 percent or less than the house’s estimated market value. This has increased from 27.5 percent of all mortgaged homes from April to June 2020.

home renovation

Homeowners can borrow against the equity to renovate their living space. Because the current mortgage rates are low and are most probably lower than the mortgage rates of existing mortgages, the best option for homeowners is to get cash-out refinancing. This means replacing the existing mortgage with a new one that includes the cost of renovation.

The new loan will be larger and will pay off the remaining balance of the old loan while paying out in cash what is needed for the construction. This way, the homeowners only have to pay a consolidated mortgage under better terms instead of continuing to pay their old mortgage and a new loan on top of it.

Two of the most popular changes that homeowners do are a kitchen remodel and a bathroom remodel. Adding more bathrooms is also common. A kitchen has become more important during the pandemic as people eat out less. Bathrooms have become more than just utilitarian but a place of comfort like a spa.

Other popular additions to houses are home offices and distance learning rooms. To eliminate distractions, these are separate enclosed areas. After work and studies, people want to have their own private outdoor areas to relax in. The addition of patios and decks is also popular. A profusion of plants connects these areas to nature and brings in positive energy while cleaning the air of toxins.

Those who are renting can still do changes that are within the parameters of their contract. If the landlord allows repainting, changing the colors of the interiors will change the look and the vibe of various rooms. If painting is not an option, new colors can still be brought in through throw pillows, sofa throws, rugs, and curtains. New art can be hung on walls using removable hooks that do not mar the walls. Plants can also be used as living décor.

Home renovation is part of self-care which is vital during the pandemic. The home is the ultimate refuge for both body and spirit. It is important to have a safe place to relax and recharge in. This strengthens the mind, body, and spirit and boosts the immune system for better protection against the virus.

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