Coronavirus Times: Must-haves in a Doomsday House

minimalistic home interior

A nuclear holocaust, the four horsemen of apocalypse descending from the sky, an asteroid strike, and a zombie outbreak ━ whatever your preferred doomsday scenario is, you would want to be ready before that day arrives.

This COVID-19 pandemic is no different from any doomsday scenario with the global economy badly shaken, the world health and safety at risk, and people stampeding for the last toilet paper on the shelves.

We are now more than halfway through the year on shelter-in-place orders and local government and state lockdowns. Perhaps this status would go on for quite a while.

With this in mind, apart from face masks and hand sanitizers, here are some things that come in handy during this pandemic ━ and just in case this turns more awry. You could even add solar panel installation and basement renovation for a more doomsday-prepper feel.

Store Enough Emergency Food

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, it is recommended for every household to store at least two weeks’ worth of food supplies during the outbreak, as going out is more regulated and controlled.

However, with a lot of uncertainty going on, it is still a smart move to store enough emergency food in case the need for it arises. Canned food such as tuna and soup is not only nutritious but can stay good for a long time.

Among the top meals are peanut butter, crackers, beef jerky, energy and chocolate bars, brown rice, and dried beans. It would not hurt storing them in your pantry. Plus, most of them are great snacks.

Make Sure that You Have Clean Water

Water is more important than food in surviving a disastrous situation. According to science, the human body can last three weeks without food but only three days without water.

Although the water system is far from being affected by the coronavirus, as current evidence suggests the risk to the water supply is low, any doomsday prepper should know that the water supply might become insufficient.

To survive an apocalyptic world, you should learn methods of making water safe for drinking. Boiling, using chemical purifiers such as chlorine, and filtering by charcoal or ceramic are some ways to do so.

A Little Planting Goes a Long Way

With fewer stocks on grocery shelves, either caused by panic buying or supply chain deficit, the onslaught of COVID-19 made a lot of us realize the importance of growing our own food.

However, most of us today do not have the knowledge or experience to do this as we are incredibly reliant on supermarkets and stores for our vegetables and fruits.

By using the technology and knowledge offered by this advanced digital age, even if you do not have any prior gardening experience, you can successfully grow your own plants.

Do not get intimidated by this idea if you do not have a yard to do the work. Even in your apartment, you can grow your own kitchen garden. Herbs, salad greens, tomatoes, chili peppers, and even strawberries are the best plants to grow in your apartment.

woman gardening outside

Keeping a Multi-tool Comes Handy

Having a toolbox is excellent since it can store your hammer, screwdrivers, pliers, and other tools. However, they could take up much room. Thus, having a multi-tool comes in handy to help you with the necessary repairs.

The number one advantage of having a multi-tool is that you have all the tools you need for survival in one small package. Moreover, multi-tools are lightweight ━ you do not even notice you are carrying one.

Most multi-tool have screwdrivers, bottle openers, knives, can openers, and wrenches. Leatherman, Gerber, and Victorinox are some of the best multi-tool available in the market today.

Stock up on Your First Aid Kit

Even if we are not wrecked by the pandemic, having a first-aid kit at home is always a smart move. You never know when accidents or certain medical conditions would happen.

As it is more difficult now to get quick medical assistance with hospitals and health centers crowded with COVID-19 patients, you should be prepared for any medical emergency.

Must-have items on your first-aid kit are products that will help treat scrapes, cuts, and injuries. Necessary items include not only plasters, antiseptics, clean dressings, cotton wool, and bandages but also medicine such as pain relievers and antibiotics.

Remember to monitor the items on your first aid kit to ensure they are not expired.

Apart from being physically prepared as you combat the pandemic, the most important thing to pack is your positive attitude. Whether we might be nearing the apocalypse or not, having a positive outlook increases your chance of survival in a bad situation.

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