Doable Home Improvement Tricks Guaranteed to Increase Your Savings

Retiling the floor

Some homeowners fear the word home improvement. This is since it usually means they will need to shed a considerable amount just to attain their home improvement goals. The good news is, certain projects that can help you save money in the long run. There are also some ways you can complete your desired projects without breaking your bank. You can consider the following strategies the next time you’re in the mood to improve your home.

Let Time Be Your Friend

Some homeowners rush into their home improvements. But if you go on a full-blown renovation all at once, you can end up wasting money when you are still unsure of what you want in your home. You may think you know how much it will cost you. But the truth is, you will need to add a budget buffer on top of your projected home improvement expenses. The last thing you want is to have unfinished rooms after you end up short of budget.

Take it slow and take your time planning, budgeting, and prioritizing. Once you already have a plan in mind, check the best time of the year to do your shopping and increase your chances of getting a good deal. There is no need to rush and try to remodel your house in one go. Do one room at a time and prioritize the projects you need to finish first.

If, for instance, you want to improve your bathroom, the guest room, and your yard, finish your bathroom first before attempting the next project. You can add a framed mirror and compact storage to spice up your vanity. If you’re tired of open showers, shop for glass shower doors instead. Once you’re done with one room, that is the best time to move on to the next one.

Save Energy, Save Money

Your energy bill often eats up most of your monthly budget since every single room of your home requires electricity. If you choose energy-efficient home improvements, then you will consume less energy thus reducing your monthly energy bill. Here are some tricks you can consider on your next project.

  • Switch to CFLs or LEDs to save money and improve your lighting. Since you use lighting on every part of your home, it only makes sense to get smart on your lighting. They may cost more upfront compared to your regular incandescent. But they do last longer which makes them a great buy.
  • Welcome natural light. Embracing natural light is free and health-friendly. Sometimes, all you need is to open up your windows, install large glass windows, and invest in mirrors to light up a room. Trim any plants growing around windows and make use of that free sunshine.
  • Choose energy-efficient versions of your decade-old appliances. If any of your appliances require replacement, look for the Energy Star label. The yellow and black stickers on Energy Star certified appliances can give you an idea of the estimated operating costs or energy usage of that particular appliance.
  • Consider installing ceiling fans. These will not only add character to your home. Using ceiling fans more than your air conditioning can help you reduce your energy usage. You can use the fan in the summer to get that cooling wind chill or switch it to the other direction to make the room feel warmer in the winter.

Pay with Hard Currency


These days, consumers can choose from a wide variety of payment options to buy the things and services they need. More often than not, we use credit and debit cards more than digital alternatives when making a purchase. If you want to save money when doing any home improvement, opt to pay in cash if possible.

Paying in cash gives you real-time visual as to how much money you’re spending and how much money you have left to spend. Sure, you can check your card statement online. But cards give you the false belief that you still have more money to spare, thus tempting you to shop more and overpay. If cash is not an option, ask if your contractor or store accepts check before you go ahead and swipe your plastic card.

Every homeowner dreams of improving their home without worrying about going over their budget. You may not have thousands of dollars you can use for home improvement. But there are things you can do to work your budget and still achieve your renovation goals. Take your sweet time planning, budgeting, choosing, and prioritizing your projects. Theirs is no need to rush as your home will still be here with you for many more years to come.

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