Efficient Waste Management: A Noble Responsibility for Ethical Businesses

holding green globe

“One man’s trash is another man’s poison.”

From leftover food to old kitchen supplies and trashed packaging, households produce much more waste than their assigned quota to reduce climate change. As The World Counts records, this figure crosses the two billion tons mark every year. That is over 60 tons of waste every second, excluding the contribution from restaurants, hotels, and fast-food chains.

This statistic is quite disheartening. However, it offers apartment owners, homeowners, hoteliers, and fast-food chain owners a great opportunity to contribute significantly to reducing their carbon footprint. Well, yes, how effective they will do that will depend on how much they will focus on reducing the quantity of waste they produce. However, it is improving recycling procedures and enhancing waste management equipment that will help save a considerable amount of waste disposal cost.

reduce reuse recycle

Re-evaluating waste disposal methods

A simple Google search will list various authority sites with recommendations of proper waste disposal. But, how much do these sites mention that it is the sole responsibility of individuals to follow these recommendations? Municipalities should also define and outline waste disposal methods that are best for their locality, depending on the waste removal procedures that they follow.

Fine-tuning waste removal procedures

Waste removal should include daily pick-ups, using biodegradable trash bags, and encouraging the use of waste autoclaves in residential properties for disposing of medical-related waste. Property owners should also insist on residents following a strict waste sorting guideline. Fine-tuning these procedures will reduce waste disposal costs by reducing the time and cost of and labor for collecting, sorting, and treating waste, and the entire recycling process.

Restructuring recycling processes

Typically, the recycling process to use depends on the type of waste you are managing. Medical and industrial waste management must adhere to strict sterilization processes should there be a need to recycle the products. Clothing and papers from households and the hospitality industry may not require strict recycling processes. However, recycling companies should follow proper cleaning and disinfecting techniques before baling to reduce the chances of spreading contagious diseases.

The place of technology

Using advanced waste and recycling equipment underscores every efficient waste management process. These include industrial balers, tow carts, odor control systems, trash compactors, and autoclaves. Whether as a recycling company, property management firm, grocer, or hotelier, integrating technology in waste management will help you reduce operational costs.

Conclusion: Waste management is a collective responsibility

Following the UN’s waste reduction targets, households and the hotel industry should aim at halving food waste. Therefore, you shoulder a primary responsibility of ensuring your property, hotel business, or fast-food outlet contributes the least to climate change. Reducing waste from packages, leftovers, and old kitchen suppliers are one way. Equally, it is how well you manage these wastes that will contribute the most in reducing your carbon footprint.

Use certified waste removal and recycling procedures. As a business, invest in automated industrial balers, trash compactors, and waste autoclaves. Homeowners follow proper waste disposal methods. Here, the bottom line is to ensure your waste management process is highly efficient and effective to reduce your waste-to-landfill ratio. Now that is responsible for waste management; not leaving your trash to be another’s poison.

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