For Better Living in the New Normal, Look Outdoors

friends out together

When we talk about living well at home, most people tend to focus on what goes on indoors. They discuss decluttering or redecorating, the latest interior design trends, and ways to add value to their property.

Many of these are undeniably linked to our well-being. Regular air duct cleaning, for instance, improves the quality of the air you breathe each day. A kitchen upgrade improves functionality in what is considered the heart of any home.

But what’s often left out of this conversation is the potential of the outdoors to add value to our lives. And with the recent changes being brought on by the pandemic, now might be the best time to start making those outdoor elements work for your benefit.

Working with mobility

Selling a home is no small matter. Buying and settling into a new one is arguably even a bigger ordeal. Thus, existing homeowners will feel a lot of inertia when it comes to changing their location.

Yet, for some people, mobility is an asset. The average person will relocate 11 times in their lifetime. This flexibility helps them quickly seize opportunities in other locations, such as a lower cost of living or better jobs.

At some point, however, the odds start to shift. Each move is more likely to become your last. Thus, it’s imperative to leverage mobility wisely as far as the overall quality of living is concerned.

Are you going to feel satisfied and safe living in a densely populated city for the rest of your days? It’s not just that expenses tend to escalate more rapidly in the big cities compared to suburbs or rural areas. Overcrowding and a fast-paced lifestyle lead to stress. The threat of communicable disease is also higher in urban centers.

If you’re not yet settled and still mobile, it’s never too early to start scouting around for locations where you can visualize yourself leading a high-quality life. And if you’re aiming for a suburban or rural lifestyle, you can head off many other people leaning towards the same direction.


Revitalizing your green spaces

The pandemic has reminded us of a timeless truth: nature brings comfort during times of uncertainty. Even a few indoor plants can help ease your mood and take your mind off the stressful life events. How much more if you had a thriving garden oasis?

Those who will soon be building a new home from scratch get to plan everything with the latest trends in mind. It’s an enviable luxury, particularly when it comes to maximizing outdoor space. But with a little creativity, existing homes can still be reworked so that homeowners get to enjoy better green spaces.

You could start growing vegetables in your garden or engage in a little DIY landscaping for long-term improvements. Planting some arborvitae can now yield a beautiful hedge in a few years, providing both privacy and structural cover from the elements.

Pollinator gardens are an alternative way to bring even more natural elements into your property. All you have to do is grow a variety of flowers, including native species. Rather than selecting plants based on aesthetic value, you want those that will attract insects and birds.

No matter how you choose to improve your outdoor space in this way, the secret is actually your involvement. Becoming an active gardener is a great way to reconnect with nature and experience its calming benefits. And you’ll get a decent physical workout in the process.

Adding functionality to outdoors

Of course, outdoor spaces at home aren’t exclusively for the plants. You don’t have to limit your experience of nature to viewing the garden from your window or walking along its paths.

Integrating more of your daily activities with the outdoors might be a trend that’s triggered by the pandemic but can outlast it. The ability to work remotely from your porch or balcony can be facilitated with little more than some outdoor lights and a patio umbrella. In favorable weather, this outdoor home office can represent considerable energy savings.

As we understand more about managing the risk of the virus, we might want to resume at least a few family gatherings. Outdoor spaces are a sensible venue for this purpose. Many homeowners have already been setting up their backyards for entertainment purposes in previous years. Doing so now can prove even more rewarding.

Most homes weren’t designed for Covid-19. No matter how the rest of the pandemic plays out, the takeaway should be that our outdoor spaces can be used to deliver more value. Whether it’s a yard or a balcony, or a future home you haven’t settled into yet, maximize those spaces. You’ll enjoy a better quality of life for years to come.

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