Fragile yet Beautiful: Using Paper for Interior Design

living room interior

Interior design is not just a discipline of mixing and matching fixtures and furniture pieces to maximize the use of space. In some aspects, designers see it as the art of exploring new materials to match the function and aesthetics of the area. The usual materials that designers and homeowners favor include various kinds of wood, glass, metal, and stone. But have you ever considered using paper?

Of course, paper will not be the foundational element of your design. It can still be fragile and easy to break, but you can always use this material as a form of accent. You can treat use it to complement your main displays. If you are looking for some ways to make use of paper properly, you are reading the right guide.

Check out the following pointers:

Use it for your lamps

Some kinds of paper can be used as lampshades. If you are looking for the right type of paper for this endeavor, favor thick, parchment-like, and translucent materials with neutral colors. Covering your lamps with this paper will help diffuse a warm and mellow light, which helps in setting a cozy mood in your room. However, you always have the choice to use different colors for variety and exciting light hues. Take it a step further by going for geometric patterns. For one, a geodesic paper lamp that can be hung in your living room should be enough to capture the interest of your guests.

Use it as a divider

In this context, it would be nice to borrow some concepts and inspirations from the Japanese. In the Japanese interior design, there are transparent room dividers called shoji. A quintessential Japanese interior design element, shoji uses washi paper, which is then integrated into wood panels. Shojis can help you control the privacy and reflection of your rooms, thus giving your space a warm vibe. You can use this paper dividers for your bedroom and dining room. It also suits homes with oriental interior design themes.

home interior

Use it as a wall accent

You have your wallpaper, but you can always use other types of paper as wall accents. For instance, old book pages can be used to cover a section of your wall for that dreamy and surreal texture. Paper fringes can be used to add highlights to the wall behind your bedroom. If you happen to have an HSM Profipack 425 cardboard shredder at home, you can use it to create a perforated pattern for your cardboard, which can be then used as a wall display or a stylized corkboard in your study area.

Use it as a display

When it comes to displays, you can find sculptures made of paper. Better yet, make your own papier-mache. You can commission for a large-scale kirigami or origami; you can even find templates online that you can follow. You can also look for paper-based baskets and containers, where you can store your books and clothes. In this case, find something made of Texon Vogue paper, which is a type of washable paper that can last a long time.

Turning a new page on interior design

Paper is not just found on books, notebooks, and gift wrappers. You can use it as an interior design piece. When more and more people are using this for their homes, interior design will find a new page, which is leaning toward sustainability.

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