Holiday Season Preparation: Getting Your Home Ready Before the Holidays

Christmas tree

Holidays are just around the corner. While it seems a bit early to put Christmas decorations, it might be the best time to prepare your home. We’re not just talking about putting up a Christmas tree. This article is all about making your home inviting so your guests will have a fantastic time.

The holiday season is the best time of the year to create new memories. But for homeowners, particularly moms, it can also be pretty stressful if the house is unorganized and messy. If you start preparing your home as early as September, you can spend most of your time enjoying during the holidays.

So here’s what you need to do while you still have plenty of time to prepare.

It’s time to de-clutter

Use this opportunity to start scouring your closets and other home areas. Remove all the clothes that you no longer wear or the clothes outgrown by your children. Put all the clothes in a clean box and make sure to put a label on it.

The holiday season is also the perfect time to get rid f your unwanted possessions. The rule of the thumb is that if you’re not using it, eliminate it. Too much stuff in the house only causes a mess, which adds up to your stress.

After collecting the things you no longer need, donate them to the needy or organize a garage sale.

General cleaning

There are at least two to three neglected areas in the house that you barely clean. And since you want your home to be squeaky clean during the holidays, this might be the right time to clean the windows, ceiling, and outdoor spaces.

You don’t have to do everything at once. Make it your little project to clean at least one area a week, so when the holidays arrive, you don’t have to worry about a dirty patio or dusty windows.

Start adding a festive touch.

The best way to start feeling the holiday spirit is by adding a festive touch to your home. You can decorate your home however you like, but it would be much more worth it if you start decorating NOW.

Get a new front doormat, set up your Christmas lights, and shop for fantastic decor while you still have the time. One of the most common mistakes of people is waiting closer to the holidays before decorating. Little did they know that the holiday season is where they often get too busy, leaving them with little to no time for home decoration.


Prepare your kitchen

If you’re planning to host a holiday party in your home, your kitchen will be the most used area. You will most likely spend most of your time cooking and baking for your family during the holidays.

Take the time to clean your kitchen drawers. Don’t forget to clean your oven, refrigerator, and other cooking appliances. It’s also important to check if there’s anything that needs fixing. The last thing you’ll need during the holidays is getting stressed due to a clogged sink.

Stock up Now

Often, grocery shopping during the holiday season is the worst decision you could ever make. Grocery shops are crowded, parking areas are full, traffic isn’t moving, cashier lines are long, and the list goes on and on.

Save yourself from these stressful situations by stocking up as early as now. It would be wiser to plan your holiday menu early on so you can create a list of all the things you need to buy. It would help if you also stocked up on essential items like hand soap, toilet paper, and paper towels.

If you are expecting guests to stay in your home for the holidays, make sure to have enough shampoo, toothpaste, and conditioner for them too. Even though they might bring their own toiletries, it’s still much better to prepare.

Clean the guest room

A lot of things can happen during holiday celebrations. And while you might be confident that your guests won’t stay the night, it wouldn’t hurt to prepare a room for them, especially if drinking and partying all night are in the plan.

Clean your guest room’s curtains, change the bedsheets, mop the floor, and make sure to provide all the necessary things they would need for a comfortable stay.

In summary, holiday preparation is a smart move if you want to enjoy your time during the celebrations fully. Preparing your home for the holiday as early as now will give you more than enough time to do other holiday-related tasks like gift shopping, gift wrapping, and writing greeting cards. So get up and start feeling the holiday spirit by preparing your home for the holidays.

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