Home Renovations That Save Time and Money

home exterior with solar panel roofing

With so much damage being done in our environment, it’s time we get serious about sustainability. If you are already practicing eco-friendly habits, then you can level up your efforts by adopting more self-sufficient practices in your home. One of the first things that need to be addressed is the amount of energy or electricity that your house uses.

Even electricity and energy can damage the environment. Its creation actually relies a lot on emitting toxic fumes into the atmosphere. So even if it doesn’t seem like it can directly harm the environment, it still has its side effects. If you consider how much energy is used by every household every year, it all adds up to a lot of waste.

You can lessen these emissions by creating energy-saving renovations to your home. Here’s how you can get started:

Create more natural ventilation

Are you always using an air conditioner at home? If you increase airflow in your home, you won’t have to use it as often. One way you can keep the room cool without an AC is by installing ceiling fans. Studies show that a ceiling fan can make a room feel 10 degrees cooler, while it also saves 10 percent more energy than using an air conditioner.

Unlike other kinds of fans, ceiling fans also draw air inwards instead of outward. This also has the added benefit of reducing humidity within the room and remove contaminated air.

You can also improve your home ventilation by creating more strategic window placements. If you are worried about bugs and insects coming in, screen windows are also a good option. Air circulation around the house can reduce the need for cooling systems during certain times of the year. The less technology you use, the more energy you save. The fresh air would also do more good for your mental and physical health.

For additional support, you should also regularly inspect your vents and filters. Sometimes clogged and unclean vents can make a room feel warmer.

Use the power of the sun

Solar panels are a great way to make use of the sun’s energy, but it’s not always an affordable option. What you can do is increase the natural sunlight in your home to reduce the need for artificial lighting.

Replacing walls with glass blocks can make your space more open and bring in more light from outside. At the same time, it is also thick and opaque enough that people outside won’t be peeping in. Another great choice is creating a skylight. It’s almost like having a window on our roof. It can also be opened, so it can invite fresh air as well.

If you don’t want to make such major changes, you can also try painting the walls a lighter color. It reflects light from outside better, creating the illusion that you have a more open space. Installing a few reflective tiles is also an option. With these, light bounces off of them and towards the spaces in your room.

house porch

Adjust your heating systems

For every shower, water is heated, and there is leftover warm water that is wasted and left to cool. Once it needs to be used again, energy is used to warm it up again. This entire process actually consumes a lot of energy year-round. According to the United States Department of Energy, showers make up 17% of home electricity. However, this can be reduced if the water is constantly maintained at an optimal temperature.

By installing a buffer tank, the warm water that was not used will go back to the storage tank. The insulation inside the tanks allows the water to stay warm for future use. That way, no more energy is consumed to reheat it. And because of the insulated material, the tank also uses up less energy in keeping the temperature.

Another thing you can do is adjust your thermostat for eight hours every day. If you turn it off completely for that time, you can save as much as 10 percent every year. It may not seem much but if you reduce the usage of other devices, the difference can really add up.

Every little step towards a greener and more sustainable lifestyle is worth the changes. People need to be more conscious of their energy consumption. What’s great about having an energy-saving home is that it is boat good for the environment and for your wallet. The initial costs may seem a lot, but you end up reducing your expenses for the future.

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