How to Influence Your Kids to Appreciate and Love Nature


Kids these days are often cooped up in their homes and stuck with their gadgets. The fact that the current pandemic is forcing students to stay at home makes it easy for parents to let screens babysit the kids. But this is the perfect time to strengthen your family ties and use the extra time to get your kids to love nature.

It can be hard to go out these days as we are encouraged to stay at home and observe social distancing when going out. But that does not mean you can no longer spend some days out and bathe in Vitamin N for Nature. To help your little ones learn to love nature more, here are a few activities you can consider adding to your list.

Grow plants in your backyard.

Growing plants is an excellent way to help kids understand nature more. Kids can learn how to value plants more if they grow one from scratch. You can choose to teach your kids how to plant a garden or even take care of a delicate plant until it blooms or bears fruit. Once your kids start showing curiosity and enthusiasm in helping you around the garden, you can even use this excuse for adding a luxury garden room in your back yard. Garden rooms allow you and your kids to grow closer to nature while having that magnificent space to accommodate your lifestyle.

Go out camping.

camping with family

Not all kids will like the idea of camping, but there are ways you can make a camp night one of the best memories they can ever have as a child. You won’t even need to leave the house as you can do this from the living room. For best results, take your kids camping out on your backyard. Bring your paraphernalia, such as sleeping mats, flashlights, and foods you typically eat while out camping. Start a bonfire, roast big marshmallows with the kids, or create smores for best results.

Give them a book with pictures.

Nature books with pictures are a great way to spark a kids’ interest in nature. Give them a book and a few tools and let them wander around the house and yard to find similar things in the book. A scavenger hunt in nature is a good way to make them exercise while having fun. You can choose to give them a magnifying glass, a shovel, a camera, and even binoculars. If they enjoy staring at the stars at night, you can also consider investing in an old telescope to support their new interests.

Plan a nature trip with the kids.

What outdoor activities do your children like to engage in? Do they enjoy swimming, hiking, taking pictures of nature, harvesting fruits, or even fishing? Then why not use this opportunity to make outdoor plans you can take once the pandemic is over? One suitable way to spark a kid’s interest in nature is to spark their curiosity and make them crave for the future nature trip. Include them in your planning, and you’re sure to have the kids wanting the pandemic to stop so that they can finally go out for the nature trip.

It is not only the kids that need to learn how to appreciate nature more. Even us adults tend to forget how essential nature is. By sparking your kid’s interest and nurturing their love for it, you can grow closer as a family and learn how to get more in tune with your surroundings, especially nature.

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