How to Make Your House Look Bigger

House interior

Something is welcoming and inviting about a big space. It’s no wonder why in home interior design, it has always been a goal. Aside from getting a house extension service, here are some more ways to achieve a larger room without spending much:

1. Scale it down

Most interior designers will probably tell you that proportions play an important role in arranging and organizing furniture in small spaces. In other words, go for the one that is most suitable for your home size. Avoid items that can eat up too much space.

If the edges of your furniture brush against the wall, it means that it is too big for your place. You can easily fix this by allowing a little space between the wall and furniture.

2. Use light or bright colors

Light and bright colors are more reflective, creating an illusion of a bigger and wider room. In contrast, dark colors absorb light making the room look narrow and closed off. Paint your room with white-off and soft tones such as light green or blue. This will make your house look more welcoming and inviting. It is also recommended to paint the ceiling and wall with the same colors to achieve a cohesive look and wider dimension.

3. Lighting

Did you know that proper lighting alone can make such a huge difference in a small room? Natural lights add extra depth, making your home look more inviting. So minimize the use of drapes. Sheer window coverings are a great alternative as they let more light in.

If your room is closed off to the sun, lighting fixtures can be an easy remedy. Try incorporating different light sources such as lamps or chandeliers of different styles. The idea is to spread light to make your room look more spacious.

4. Declutter

Too much furniture can make your house look messy and cluttered. So organizing and decluttering your furniture is always a good idea. If you have items that are no longer in use, consider donating or selling them.

If you plan to rearrange your home, experts recommend creating a focal point that can immediately draw attention. For instance, putting a gorgeous and huge rug under your dining set can instantly pull the area together, which creates an illusion of a bigger room. Remember to keep the floor tidy as that also provides more space, so limit your accessory to one or two.

5. Hang a mirror

A mirror can reflect both the natural and artificial light, and when the light bounces back into the room, it makes the place appear wider and bigger. It’s no wonder why homeowners hang a full-length mirror in the living room. Placing one near the window or tabletops will give the same effect. Put it on top of your cabinet that is against the direction of your door.

6. Maximize the use of your furniture

As we have mentioned, furniture can take up so much space in your house. If you live in a small room, you might want to go for multi-functional furniture. These are designed to adjust to your lifestyle to give you a more livable space.

That includes a bed with a closet underneath, a low coffee table that is convertible to a dining table, and a foldable desk that can turn into a sofa. These are excellent choices for small spaces.

7. Mix up shapes

It is recommended to incorporate straight lines with round shapes, making your room look more proportional and spacious. A round picture on top of a shelf with square edges can help you achieve more balance and symmetry. Also, choose furniture that has the same color as your wall. And remember, lighter and brighter colors are ideal for creating a more inviting ambiance.

8. Low profile

family watching tv at home

If you have a low-ceiling apartment, a low sofa set will go very well with it. And by adding a couple of tall furniture, you can instantly boost the appearance of your room. Keep all of your furniture in one area or side of the house to clear the pathway, and avoid bumping into them as you walk down the house. Placing them in the middle of the house will make the area look cluttered.

Our home is a place where we spend most of our time. You want it to look as comfortable and inviting as possible. And by following our simple tips, you sure can achieve it without breaking your wallet.

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