Humidity and Moisture: Effective Means of Controlling Them

woman looking outside

Our homes’ primary purpose is to provide protection and security, not just from malicious individuals but also from the natural elements. There’s more than what meets the eye with homes: most modern homes are equipped with heating, ventilation, and air condition systems designed to keep up comfortable and cozy throughout various seasons and weather conditions. Since most of the United States is temperate, most homes will need a versatile system that can withstand searing hot weather conditions during the summer and the cold weather during winter.

Most of these systems aren’t just designed to balance out temperatures: they are also intended to keep households working and functional. Air circulation, temperature, and humidity are just factors that need to be controlled to have a comfortable living space.

While most homes are built to last a lifetime, some homes also have a limited lifespan, and natural elements like water damage can cause widespread damages to structural integrity. In fact, 14,000 individuals in the United States experience some form of water damage each day.

But water damage doesn’t just come in the form of leaks: it can also come in the form of moisture and humidity.

Why Is Controlling Moisture and Humidity Important?

In almost any architectural and building design, water damage has always been an essential factor that most engineers will need to keep in mind. Typically, water will get into your home’s interiors through leaks or seeping through cracks. While water is relatively harmless to our body, this can slowly damage the home’s structure. Wooden support beams can quickly rot if exposed to water in the long term. Metal supporting systems can also rust if exposed to too much water.

Living room

But no matter how “secure” your home and your roof is to water damage, moisture and humidity in the air can also cause problems to your home’s structure. Moisture in the air will usually depend on the temperature in the area. For states like Florida, the humid air can hold more moisture, often leading to problems. Moist environments are prime areas for biological growths in the form of molds, mildews, and other fungi to form.

If the extent of the molds and mildews inside your home has reached a severe threshold, you might want to consider hiring professional contractors with the necessary equipment to deal with these organic materials. In most cases, the uptick of molds and mildews inside your home is usually caused by a malfunctioning HVAC system that can’t effectively control the area’s humidity. Fortunately, some HVAC contractors are well-versed in identifying the problem with your ventilation systems as well as your heating and air conditioning equipment.

Having professional aid and supervision can prevent further damage that’s caused by these organic growths. Although you might have to spend to fix your home’s essential systems, this is a better choice than having to replace your entire roofing and ventilation system when molds cause permanent damage to the home’s structural integrity.

So what are some important ways of controlling moisture and humidity at home? Here’s what you can do:

Fix Leaks and Cracks

Firstly, you’ll need to address the points of entry for water and moisture. You’ll need to start fixing up leaks and cracks that can cause seepage. Water doesn’t just cause biological pollutants to form inside your home, but this can slowly erode your home’s foundations if not addressed.

Various services can landscape to more complex excavations that can help waterproof the building.

Removing Moisture from the Inside

Naturally, water is always involved in the bathroom, and this is another point of entry when it comes to moisture. Most homes with a “good” ventilation system will feature exhaust fans in both the bathroom and kitchen. Not only will this help remove unwanted odor, steam, and smoke, but this is a great way of removing moisture. Naturally, hot air will rise upwards, which can get trapped in the attic. This can lead to the proliferation of molds. Some households have clothes dryers, which are known for venting out moisture. You’ll need to vent this outside.

For more humid climates, you can reduce moisture using dehumidifiers and air conditioning units. Although, homeowners will need to keep in mind that their AC units can also be vulnerable to molds, mostly since it’s soaking up all the moisture in the air.

There are a variety of ways to regulate humidity in your area. If you’re living in colder regions, you won’t necessarily have to worry about moisture being a root cause of some structural problems. If you’re living in more humid climates, you might have to keep in mind areas prone to moisture, like the bathroom and the kitchen. Still, it would be best if you weren’t anxious about anything since most HVAC systems are designed to handle moisture efficiently.

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