Insulate Your Greenhouse: How to Reduce Your Heating Needs


Having a greenhouse allows you access to fresh fruits and vegetables all year round. You do not have to wait for spring and summer to have your favourite produce; in your greenhouse, you can take care of every plant that you desire.

However, having one can be intimidating. It requires a lot of space that not a lot of people have. Then there is the electricity bill that will power the heating system to worry about.

However, there are ways to keep the interiors of your greenhouse warm without spending a fortune on utility. Here’s how.

Keeping Heat in on Your Way Out

The simple act of opening and closing the door of your greenhouse is allowing heat to escape in the first place. It might be a good idea to install a layer of strip curtain so that the interior temperature stays warm enough for your plants to thrive, even during fall and winter.

The material is thick; it is made of PVC, which is thick and heavy, preventing air from coming in or out. This type of coverage is usually used in factories to keep the facility, and the people in it, warm. It can also be used in restaurant freezers where ingredients are retained.

It is an affordable but reliable solution to regulating the temperature inside your greenhouse.

Seal All Exits

plants inside a greenhouseAll your efforts to warm your greenhouse will be for naught if there are holes, gaps, or cracks within the greenhouse where the air can escape. So, inspect the entire structure as soon as the mercury starts to drop.

Applying caulking on seams of windows and doors — anywhere air might be escaping. Without holes, gaps, and cracks, you will find it easier to keep the greenhouse warm.

A Second Window Layer

In places that get incredibly cold, it is mandatory to have a double-pane window. Albeit expensive, it saves costs in the long run because it effectively stops the heat from radiating out without blocking the sunlight completely.

The same principle can be applied to your greenhouse. If a double-pane window is too pricey for your current budget, adding a layer of plastic will be able to keep the heat inside the greenhouse just as effectively.

Turn to Your Compost

Good compost can get pretty hot. If you keep your compost in the greenhouse, it will contribute warmth throughout the space, minimising the need for a heating system.

You can choose to place your compost in a bin and place it in the area that needs more warmth. On the other hand, trench composting can warm up a row of plants.

Dig Deep

One of the most effective ways to keep the greenhouse warm, even in winter, is to build it partially underground. By digging deep, the earth around the greenhouse will act as an insulator, blocking the cold air from reaching and spreading into the area where you are trying to keep your plants alive.

The deeper you go, the more constant the temperature of the soil will be. The temperature will always be way above freezing so that you know that your plants are safe from the cold.

These suggestions should keep your greenhouse warm throughout the fall and winter. If needed, you can still use the heater, but rest assured that you would not be breaking the bank paying your electricity bill.

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