Moving Disasters: Things That Can Go Wrong If You Don’t Hire Professional Movers


Finally, after the long wait of processing real estate documents and signing contracts, you’re ready to move in. You’ve emptied your closets and cupboards, took out your furniture, and filled the tank in the car. You’re all set, and you’re anticipating a smooth, hassle-free move.

But as your moving day gets closer, why does it seem like problems keep popping? Everything’s fine one moment, and a train wreck the next. And when your moving day finally comes, the problems that you thought were minor suddenly become the sole reason your moving day becomes disastrous.

As you deal with these setbacks, you’ll realize that you could’ve avoided them all if you just hired a reliable local moving company. Professional movers may seem unnecessary at first, particularly if you don’t have a lot of stuff to pack. But they don’t serve only those with a mountain of belongings and furniture weighing a ton. Professional movers also ensure the safety of your fragile or valuable stuff, and most importantly, help you lighten your load!

Without their help, you may experience the following headaches on your moving day:

1. Disorganized Boxes

While packing your stuff in boxes, it’s easy to assume that you can stay organized. After all, labeling does the trick. But on your moving day, you may realize that some boxes containing your clothes, for example, don’t fit in your car. Instead, you have to combine boxes of home decor, tableware, and clothes to make everything snug or fit like puzzle pieces inside your car. As a result, you’d end up unloading mismatching boxes in your new abode.

2. Small Items Scattered Around Random Boxes

Since small items are, well, too small to fit in boxes, chances are you’ll wrap them in the newspaper. And then you’ll dump them into random boxes where they’d look secure. Hence, when the time to unpack your stuff comes, you’ll be spending a lot of time searching through different boxes for a picture frame, candle holder, etc.

3. Broken and Damaged Fragile Items

Unfortunately, many people experience having their fragile items broken or damaged on their moving day. This usually results from improper packing or mishandling. Sometimes, even if the paper wrapping you use looks protective enough, an impact can still break through its defenses. So instead of simply using paper, layer the material with bubble wrap or foam. There should be something thick and soft protecting your breakables so that an impact will be cushioned.

4. Damaged Furniture

China furniture

Wardrobes, sofas, and delicate furniture pieces such as mirrors, are among the worst items to move from one house to another. If you’re not careful, you may chip or scratch their edges and corners. And of course, a mirror is always prone to shattering or cracking. In extreme cases, your big or bulky furniture may not even arrive in your new home in one piece.

5. Your Bulky Furniture Can’t Fit Through the Door

This is another common moving day scenario. To prevent it, measure your doorways and the furniture, then consider what necessary adjustments should be made. If a furniture piece is too tall, like an armoire, see if you can temporarily take off its legs. But if the furniture in question is too wide, like a dining table, you may have to remove the door hinges or the entire frame to make the whole thing fit. If you hire movers, that task would be a breeze.

6. The Ones You Called to Help Flaked Out

People who don’t hire professional movers often ask their friends for help. But as much as they care for you, they might also back out. Maybe because they went down with a fever on your moving day, or had to attend to more crucial matters, like a situation with their job. Their flaking is going to be tough to deal with, so just spare some budget for professional movers, who won’t ever leave you hanging.

7. You Got Injured

Carrying heavy loads is never good for your back. If you don’t have anyone to help you load and unload your boxes, you risk getting injured possibly even before your moving day. On the other hand, if you hire movers, they can handle your load without a fuss, since they’re trained to deal with heavy items. All you need to do is watch over their movements, and take charge of the manageable items.

Professional movers also have the right equipment for handling different kinds of bulky or heavy items. For example, if you have to move a furniture piece through the stairs, the movers can dismantle it using the proper tools, instead of simply carrying it and potentially causing damage.

With their assistance, your move becomes safer, less stressful, and time- and cost-efficient. Paying for their services saves you money in the long-run because broken items and injuries are more expensive to deal with.

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