Ordinary Items in Your House that Might Be Harboring Disease-causing Germs

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Your house is teeming with pathogens, some of which can spread illness to your family.

You might think that being indoors is keeping you safe. However, previous studies have revealed that things typically found in a home can be contaminated with hundreds of bacteria. Not all bacteria can make a person sick, but many of them do infect humans and cause illnesses.

Viruses, too, might be lurking on surfaces inside your home. The SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, can live for hours up to days on certain materials. Scientists found that the deadly virus can survive on plastic and stainless steel for up to 72 hours.

To prevent the spread of illnesses at home, it is necessary to regularly disinfect and clean every surface indoors. Here are the places that need the most attention.

Your Vents

Your heating, ventilation, air conditioning system (or HVAC) affects your and your family’s health.

Air is not the only thing traveling through the air ducts. Often, particles that cause illnesses are spreading throughout the house because of the air ducts.

That is why households need to replace filters and clean the air ducts. An air duct cleaning service can provide thorough maintenance and sterilization, remove allergens that cause respiratory inflammation, and kill any pathogens circulating the house.

Your Bathtub

Your bathtub is filthy. You use it to clean yourself, but how often do you give it a good scrub?

One study swabbed the surface of bathtubs and found the presence of staphylococcus. Another study found mild to dangerous levels of bacteria growth on tubs sampled, and almost all had fecal matter and fungi.

Experts recommend that tubs be cleaned with bleach or any bathroom cleaner every after use. Tubs should also be dried properly.

Your Remote Controls

People do not often think about the number of pathogens that might be breeding on their remote controls.

Various family members also hold these items throughout the day without washing their hands before and after. They get sneezed at, fall on the floor, disappear between cushions, etc. Rarely do people disinfect their remote controls.

It is normal to find the presence of viruses that cause the common cold on remote controls.

Wiping the surface of the remote control with bleach or alcohol will immediately kill viruses. Frequent handwashing should also be encouraged at home to prevent the infection and spread of illnesses.

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Your Toothbrush

Experts also warned about toothbrushes and all the germs lurking in between bristles.

Toothbrushes are used with water, but not many people take the time to make sure that the item is dry before putting it away. A damp surface is exactly the kind of environment where bacteria and viruses thrive.

Some of these bacteria and viruses came directly from your toilet.

Scientists found that flushing the toilet sends water droplets that contain germs to the air. These water droplets float for about two hours before they settle on surfaces, including the walls, the floor, doorknobs, and toothbrushes.

To protect your mouth and your health, let toothbrushes air out between use. However, try not to leave it too close to a toilet.

Toothbrushes should also be replaced after three months of use.

Your Clothing in the Washing Machine

Germs can quickly grow in clothing left in a washing machine. Even after a short time, waiting to take wet clothes out and then placing it on the dryer is a dangerous habit.

According to experts, if wet clothes have sat in the washing machine for over 30 minutes, you might need to rewash it. The moral of the story is, pay attention to your laundry. As soon as the washing machine finishes a cycle, be ready to transfer your freshly-washed clothes into the dryer.

Your Coffeemaker

Coffeemakers do create an environment for germs to hide. An investigation found that five out of 10 coffeemakers found in American homes have streptococcus and E. coli.

Caffeine, which is why people drink coffee in the first place, has natural antibacterial properties. Hot water will also kill germs immediately.

However, it is no reason to be complacent. Coffeemakers should be cleaned regularly. Simple dishwashing soap and water can remove any bacteria that are lurking in your coffeemaker. The coffee pot, too, should be given extra care. The handle itself can be spreading germs to anyone who touches it.

Regular homes can be a cause of infection and illness to family members. Regularly cleaning every surface, especially high traffic ones, would kill any germs hiding in your home.

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