Preventing a Kitchen Remodeling Project From Turning Into a Disaster

kitchen renovation

Various parts of the house need a periodic makeover, including the kitchen. The kitchen may not look as pristine and as new when you originally brought the house. It may be time to give the area a makeover. However, kitchen remodeling is easier said than done. There are a lot of things to consider, such as having a new layout or installing new wall cabinets and, most importantly, completing the remodeling work within a specific budget.

If not planned properly, kitchen remodeling work can go horrifically wrong, with expenses going overboard. The remodeled kitchen may even not look as visually appealing as you envisioned it to be.

In this article, we have discussed five tips that will help guide you through the kitchen remodeling process. It will also ensure that the new kitchen design is cohesive, highly attractive, and even increase the resale value of the house.

Set a Budget

Before starting out any home remodeling or renovation work, it is necessary to create a budget first. From the beginning, you should have a clear idea of whether you want a low, medium, or high-budget remodeling done. Similarly, plan the budget of various equipment and remodeling works you will be carrying out. For instance, if you have a budget of $15000, plan and split the budget for the stove, painting, barbecue, and other upgrades accordingly. If you don’t have a budget, it is very likely that you will end up spending twice or thrice the intended amount.

Match the decor


While you may be only considering the remodeling of the kitchen, ensure that it blends with the rest of your home. You wouldn’t want your kitchen sticking out like a sore thumb. Make sure that the furniture you select, including the tables, drawers, and cabinets, matches the aesthetics of the rest of the house. Similarly, the wall color should be similar to the rest of the house. To sum it in simple words, your kitchen shouldn’t look like it belongs to someone else’s house.

Don’t mess with the plumbing

As much as possible, try not to interfere with the water and gas lines, unless absolutely necessary. Having to move these lines for reconfiguring your stove, taps, and sinks can become a costly affair. It not only can shoot up your budget but also cause unnecessary hassles. However, as a precaution keep some cash aside for emergency work that may arise due to accidental breakage or leakage during the remodeling process.

Buy matching appliances

It is highly likely that you’ll buy new appliances to match your remodeled kitchen’s looks. As much as possible, stick to a single appliance brand. Purchase items that are similar in look and feel. Many appliance manufacturers have started producing an entire kitchen appliances range having similar aesthetics. With a little research and some excellent shopping skills, you can buy some high-end appliances at affordable prices that will give your kitchen a designer look.

Have regular follow-up with the contractor

Don’t be completely dependent on the contractor to carry out the remodeling work. Instead, take periodic updates from them regarding the work completed, the pending tasks, and the period required to complete the project. Make sure that the project is going on as planned with no delays or additional expenses. If there are significant delays or you are going overboard with your budget, reason with the contractor. Ask them why such issues are being faced and have them get the project back on track as soon as possible.

Remodeling a kitchen can take days, weeks, or even a month or more, depending upon the scale. As discussed start with the right plan and follow with continuous inspection and updates with the contractor, designer, and engineer to make sure that the project turns out the way you originally planned it.

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