Refreshing Your Living Space: Top 3 Areas to Declutter


Since the pandemic, more people have been conscious about cleaning and organizing. We see cleaning now not only as a chore but as a necessity. Cleaning brings us a sense of security. When we keep things clean, we’re also keeping our homes safe from the virus.

In a recent survey, 55% of Americans found themselves cleaning and organizing more than usual because of the pandemic. The majority of them see it as a way to keep their families safe and healthy. Others see it as an act of concern for others, while others do it as a chore and an outlet to relieve anxiety and stress. Respondents also find decluttering as an essential part of their cleaning.

Decluttering, by definition, is the act of removing clutter from a room or area. It isn’t only removing dirt or wiping dust away. It’s not only about removing trash from the area. When you declutter, you put away anything unnecessary. You remove anything that doesn’t serve any purpose. You take away the clutter that obstructs space and keeps an area disorganized.

It’s always easy to declutter. It’s just that not everyone is ready to let go of their stuff.

Where Is the Mess?

We always say our home is our sanctuary. However, we don’t notice how cluttered it is because we live in it and move around 24/7. We are so used to how we arrange stuff and where they are exactly. We won’t know it’s cluttered until guests come over and see our whole living room messy. Admit it or not; it’s embarrassing.

So what are the areas at home that are usually cluttered? Here’s a list:

1. Storage Area

Yes, it’s where you’re supposed to put in all the mess. But just because it’s the storage room doesn’t mean you can keep it organized. Things in the storage area are the ones you most likely won’t need and use. Nonetheless, it will help if you create a list of what’s inside to keep track of.

Buy large boxes and sort your stuff according to category. This way, your items won’t scatter around the place. Place the bulky ones at the farther end of the room. On the other hand, everything you will most likely use on a random day should be at the front.

It would help if you considered letting go of the stuff that has been stuck in your storage area for years. Do a regular inspection to choose which of the items you can throw or give away. Find a dumpster rental if you have to so that you won’t have to worry about your trash.

2. Bedroom

Beautiful Bedroom Interior

It’s the most hidden part of the house. That’s where you’ll hide all the mess you don’t want your guests to see. Clothes stacked on the floor. Books carelessly placed on your bedside table, towels hung everywhere. It’s where you throw things away when you’re rushing in the morning for work.

The main goal is to set aside the things that no longer serve you or your bedroom. A good question to ask is, “When was the last time you used this?” If you haven’t used it in a long time, you most likely don’t need it.

The next step is to organize the things you think you will still need. And the secret is to maximize space and storage. Look around your bedroom. Find all the unused space such as walls, under-the-table or under-the-bed areas, and the back of your door. Use boxes and baskets as storage and put them under your bed. Or install hanging cabinets to maximize your walls.

3. Dirty Kitchen

There’s a reason it’s called dirty. It’s the most used area in the house because you cook every day, and cooking can be messy. Piles of dirty plates hanging around, sauce stains all over, and kitchen utensils scattered everywhere in case you need to use them.

The first step through all this mess is to clear your countertop. Your countertops should be empty because that’s where you work in your kitchen every day. It’s the most accessible so people tend to place things here and there.

Now, sort everything you removed from your countertop according to category: spices, seasonings, pans, casseroles, kitchen utensils you use daily and occasionally, and baking stuff. Sorting according to variety will make it easier for you to find them when you need them.

If you stand firm on your decision to declutter, you should also be willing to let go of your stuff. Decluttering isn’t just about throwing things away. It is knowing which ones you need and which ones you don’t. At the end of the day, it’s all about purpose.

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