Smart Ways to Save on Bathroom Remodeling Materials

clean modern bathroom

Just like any other remodeling project, renovating a bathroom can be quite expensive. But if you want to stick to your budget, you can do so by saving money on bathroom remodeling materials.

The expenses of giving your bathroom a makeover can run a little bit high, which is why it only makes sense to find a few ways to keep those expenses at a minimum. And since materials are the biggest cost when it comes to a bathroom renovation, let’s start there.

1. Look for a one-stop supplier

Having a supplier that sells engineered Merbau timber posts or water-efficient toilets is the first step to saving money on a bathroom renovation. By having only one supplier for most of your materials, you can get better discounts (especially when buying in bulk), reduce transportation costs, and make purchasing much easier than having to buy from multiple suppliers.

2. Search for secondhand goods

Why buy brand new when you can find great materials, furniture, and fixtures at secondhand stores, antique shops, and online marketplaces? Granted, buying used items for your bathroom renovation can take up more time than needed, but it’s well worth the search if it’s going to save you a lot of cash in the process. Moreover, buying secondhand will give you the chance to use your DIY skills to make the items look good as new again.

3. Consider tile alternatives

Tiles are the standard material for bathrooms, but they can be a little expensive. Consider great alternatives to tiles when choosing flooring or wall material, such as acrylic sheets, wooden panels, or laminate. These alternatives can be cheaper than tiles but still perform just as well. Apart from that, they can give your bathroom a whole new look even if you just change the flooring and the walls.

4. Replace part of the drywall


In most bathroom renovations, drywall is replaced to get rid of any moisture buildup. However, you don’t always have to replace all of the drywall in the bathroom. If only some parts of the drywall are affected by moisture, you can get replace those areas instead of doing a full replacement.

Not sure if the drywall of your entire bathroom should be replaced? Have your contractor come over to take a look and determine whether or not you can do a partial replacement only.

5. Use leftovers

Do you know anyone who has done a home renovation recently? Or have you remodeled other parts of the house and have material leftovers? Think outside the box and find ways to use these leftovers on your bathroom remodel. That way, you can cut your material expenses and not let your leftovers go to waste.

6. Renovate your tub and shower

Instead of installing a new shower or tub, renovate your current ones by deep cleaning, de-staining, buffing, and polishing the surfaces. Doing this requires a little bit of elbow grease, but it’s worth getting a sore arm than to spend thousands of dollars on a new shower and bathtub.

There are always going to be ways to save money on any home renovation project, and here are some of the best ones for your dream bathroom. Apart from sticking to your budget, the money you save can be used to splurge on the most important aspects of a bathroom makeover.

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