Taking Design Inspiration for Gates from Historical Destinations


They say first impressions last. For the home, the gate welcomes the guests. In movies, the opening of gates creates a dramatic effect—no matter the genre.

This can be recreated into your own home. With the versatility of custom metal fabrication, you can have the shapes customized to replicate the inspirations you have in your head. Also, don’t forget about the frame because it’s not only the foundation but also compliments the gate itself.

Fortunately, there’s more than just movies, home décor magazines, and the internet to glean inspiration from. History also gave the world some wonderful and intricate architecture that might spark creativity while planning the home. All around the world, there are monumental gates that have become tourist destinations because of their grandeur.

Brandenburg Gate

Brandenburg Gate

The Brandenburg Gate symbolizes two opposite but pivotal parts of history: division and unification of Germany. It was the venue for a parade celebrating the rise of Adolf Hitler, making it a significant piece for Nazi propaganda. For 26 years—from 1961 to 1989—the Berlin Wall divided East and West Germany, and the Brandenburg Gate was shut. It was reopened on December 22, 1989, to reunite both sides of Germany. It was not until 2002 when the reopening became official after restoration.

The Neoclassical design is laid with imagery of peace and allusions to famous victories under Prussia’s king. One sculpture is a statue of the goddess of victory with a symbol of peace.

Gateway of India

Gateway of India

The Gateway of India stands beside the Arabian Sea. It was built in 1911 for the landing of King George V and Queen Mary when they visited Bombay (Mumbai). By 1924, the structure was completed—an 26-meter-high arch composed of basalt. Since then, it became a ceremonial, grand entrance to India for prominent figures such as viceroys and governors. Today, it is a bustling tourist destination.

The structure is designed in Indo-Saracenic style. This is combined with Muslim architectural styles on the edifice. It’s constructed to showcase the body of water behind as if becoming a massive picture frame.

Arc de Triomphe

Arc de Triomphe

The Arc de Triomphe took 30 years to finish. Since then, it has become one of the images inculcated in people’s memory when they hear “France.” Napoleon I initiated its building to commemorate the French military’s achievements after they have won the Battle of Austerlitz.

It has a Neoclassical design with sculptures depicting military achievements. Names of generals and battles are also engraved on some parts of the gate.

How to Apply Inspirations to Your House

You might be bursting with inspiration and creativity for your home, but the application is another part of the process. Calling in your team would be great to turn your ideas into more realistic ones. They could also give you advice on how they can execute and construct it into your home.

Making a Replica

Making a replica of these massive structures is an option—if you’re up for the challenge. One thing’s for sure, though, you’re going to make an unforgettable impression. On the other hand, taking inspiration from these works of art can apply to your gate’s architecture and design.

For example, you might have built a future ancestral home, so showcasing the family’s history through sculptures can pass on the legacy. Maybe, in the future, your image will still be seen by your great-great-great-grandchildren on your gate.

Infusing Classical and Modern

These classical designs may not fit right to the times or the elements of your home. A way to solve this problem is to infuse classical elements with modern means of design. Several classical establishments around the world have been renovated to add modern features.

For instance, the Sant Francesc Church in Santpedor, Spain, would have remained in horrible shape if Architect David Closes didn’t restore it. Architect Closes added a modernist entrance to an 18th-century establishment. The entrance is made up of geometric glass with irregular shapes.

Another example is the York Theatre Royal in York, England. Since the mid-18th century, the structure has undergone several changes for several shows and theatrical acts. In 2016, it was renovated to become more modernistic with floor to ceiling windows and more geometrical structures.

Perhaps, these massive structures can inspire eccentric accents to the home. For history buffs, it can inspire some medieval, baroque, or renaissance details that will astonish guests. These structures are built with utmost intricacy as if every post and every carving has a reason. It’s time to give a one-of-a-kind first impression.

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