Clean and Bright: Make Your Windows Reveal Your Home’s Beauty

closed window

Cleaning your windows may be an ordinary chore but could take your precious time and energy with an inexperienced hand. The act may look easy, but when dust, paint smudges, or pollens hardened and accumulated, haphazardly cleaning the windows will leave you feeling dissatisfied and unhappy.

How often should you clean your windows? Most homeowners recommended a thorough cleanse every six months. Doing so will give you a new view of the sun shining, the trees, and the overall view outside your house. Cleaner windows can let you and your family thoroughly enjoy the summer and the changing colors of autumn. Thus it should be a top priority on your cleaning list.

Decide whether to use chemicals or natural solutions.

In general, there are two different ways to clean your windows. One is to use commercial, chemical cleaners, and the other is to concoct a homemade natural solution that most homeowners use conveniently.

Cleaning solutions are the best option when the glass windows are already looking too dirty. Choose those that leave the surface with fewer drips and mess. Skip on the alcohol-based or ammonia-based solutions that can leave streaks and a thin film of dust and moisture. To troubleshoot these stains, try applying a solvent like acetone and rubbing alcohol. Have a few drops of these chemicals on a cleaning cloth and apply directly on the spot.

Meanwhile, you may also choose homemade cleaning solutions that you can easily mix in your kitchen. It helps remove and break down the streaky film that has stayed on your glass surfaces.

Set the window cleaning on a dry, cloudy day.

Choose the best weather appropriate for cleaning glass surfaces. Experts advise working on this task on a chilly, cloudy day. The cool temperature is perfect so that the soap water and other window cleaning solutions will not quickly dry on the window surface. If you clean your windows on a sunny day, the cleaning solution will soon dry up, leaving you with no opportunity to wipe it off, therefore, worsening the mess and the streaks on its surface.

Considering the weather condition on a particular day also applies to other tasks. For example, you may strategically set your appointment with the siding contractors team on a fairly sunny day with no wind to protect them while they make changes on the outside walls of your house.

horizontal window

Try removing dirt and dust first before applying any solutions and liquids.

You must sweep the dirt or dust from your windowpane before applying any liquid substance. Using a liquid solution immediately will turn the dust into a muddy mess. Sweeping or vacuuming your window screen will also eliminate grimy and problematic substances that you can only remove using a soft brush or stick. Dust sticking on shades and grime, on the other hand, should be dealt with a microfiber duster followed by a damp cloth. Finish the cleaning job by cleaning the blinds with a dry cloth.

Start cleaning the windows from the outside.

There is a system for cleaning the windows. It is best to start the cleaning from the outside, where more dirt and stains exist. You may want to rinse the panes with a hose or a bucket of clean, cool water with a few drops of liquid dish solution.

Using a microfiber cloth, thoroughly cleanse the surface. Reach higher surfaces using a sponge mop attached to a pole. Rinse the surface again with water. Then, do another session of cleansing using a vinegar solution or commercial cleanser.

You may want to use a rubber-bladed squeegee to remove tough stains and particles. For stubborn dirt, try using saturated vinegar solution and water. Let it stay for a few minutes before drying. Have you removed all the dirt? It’s time to clean and wipe the surface with a lint-free towel or newspaper and let the surface dry up.

Clean windows are those that are streak-free, dirt-free, and spotless. Attempt to deal with areas with hardened particles and grime before cleaning the rest of the window. Accumulated dirt and grime should make you realize that you must include in your routine to check on these corners to deal with the dirt and dust. When left for a long time, this dirt may build up and worsen. Stains and damage may also get inside the tracks and window sills, thus encouraging rust and deterioration. You may also decide a system whether to clean the windows horizontally or vertically. Also, ensure that other windows of your house receive the same cleaning process.

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