Digital Detox at Home: Can Home Improvements Help Break Your Family’s Digital Device Addiction?

work from home setup

A lot has happened ever since the pandemic started. With all the social distancing, remote working, and sheltering in place, most people turned to technology. We’ve become more dependent on innovations that we spend hours each day on our gadgets and the internet. But even before the crisis, many of us can’t last a few hours without our phones and social media. It is due to these reasons that we could all use a digital detox.

Digital detoxification refers to one’s willingness to take a break from screen time. We may not be able to get rid of technology completely. But we can opt for a digital detox to lower stress, reduce dependence on technology, and find ways to make real connections.

Taking a digital detox is always a good idea. It can be hard to do considering we stay more hours at home surrounded by our television and our favorite gadgets. But did you know that you can use home improvement as an excuse to make your home into a digital detox oasis? Here’s how.

Entice Your Family to Spend More Time Outdoors

There are projects that can help motivate your family to make use of your outdoor living space. Utilizing your yard and providing a ready-to-use space for fun outdoor activities can be enough to make your kids play under the sun. Everyone could use more Vitamin D especially now that we don’t get to go out more often.

Adding a pool in your backyard can be a worthy investment. This is since no one needs their phone when playing and having fun at the pool. You and your kids could use the extra exercise while having fun with the whole family.

You may be tempted to DIY a pool installation project. But you can actually save more by hiring contractors to custom-build your pool. They can take care of everything so you just need to sit and wait for your new pool to enjoy.

Get Your Family to Cook More Healthy Meals

Renovating your kitchen to fit the taste of your family is a good way to make them cook and prepare more homemade dishes. You may have access to deliveries and take-outs. But when you are trying on a digital detox, you don’t want to use any gadget for a few hours.

Cooking and baking take time. When you have a good kitchen to experiment with new recipes and try new baking tricks, it is easier to forget about your gadgets and focus on your tasks at hand. Kids would love it if you will allow them to help as much as they can.

family cooking

Aside from a kitchen renovation, consider adding an outdoor kitchen. This can help you save money from eating out and utility bills. This can even boost the value of your home, entertain guests once it is safe to accommodate visitors, and make cooking easier and more fun.

Improve Every Member’s Bedroom

Another home improvement worth investing in is a bedroom makeover. Allow each family member to have a say on how you can improve their bedroom. This will give everyone a few hours each day to stay productive and forget about mindless gadget use.

Improve bedrooms in a way that can boost one’s sleep at night. As much as possible, avoid putting televisions, gadgets, and other electronics that can only distract them from sleeping early. Invest in new mattresses if necessary along with clean bedsheets, pillowcases, and blankets.

Instead of housing electronics inside bedrooms, set a place inside the house where everyone can store and charge their gadgets at night. If one needs to wake up early the next morning, an analog clock would be a nice addition to their room. Instead of smart sleeping devices, go for the old-school sleep eye masks, blackout shades, and a cool enough temperature to induce sleep.

Give Your Bathroom a Lot of TLC

Everyone deserves a spa day. Instead of going out to costly spas, why not use your investment to give your bathroom a makeover? There are ways you can turn your simple bathroom into a spa retreat and make you want to forget your phone for a while.

Invest in a beautiful vanity mirror and warm up your floors with a luxurious rug. Get rid of your old dispensers and buy ones with cool designs. Say goodbye to your old, tasteless towels and buy fancy towels instead.

Add some artwork to your bathroom walls and add shelves to display your bathroom essentials. Add some easy-to-care indoor plants. Don’t underestimate the power of a majestically clean bathroom, an inviting tub, and a cute candle arrangement.

There are other home improvement projects that can transform your house into the ideal place for a digital detox. You only have to be creative and think of the activities your family loves doing best. So, don’t feel guilty about improving your home. If it can help your family live a better lifestyle, then all of your investments are worth it.

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