Easy Home Improvements You Can Do on the Weekend

home projects

Home improvements sometimes sound daunting. We often associate it with time-consuming and expensive. But, truth be told, there are ways you yourself can work on over the weekend to improve your home without breaking the bank. Small ways but will surely make a big impact.

While there are things that you must leave to the professionals such as electrical issues, home kitchen plumbing jobs, and roof repairs,  there are also some things you can fix on your own. So here are nine easy things you can do in your house over the weekend.

1. Declutter

According to Marie Kondo, a Japanese guru of decluttering, when we free up space, we also make space physically and mentally. We could not agree more. Make your life better, declutter. Smart tip: Gather three boxes. Label them with the following:

  • ‘Keep’ – This box is for your essentials; items that use daily.
  • Once you’re done decluttering, start organizing these in their proper places.
  • ‘To Storage’ – This is for things that you don’t use anymore but have sentimental value. Label them and neatly stack them in your storage room.
  • ‘Throw Out’ – This is for the items that you don’t use anymore or will not use in the next 12 months. You can either throw them or donate them but best if you make some cash out of it. Host a garage sale on selected items. We’re sure someone else may still find value from it.

2. Bring the outside in

Everyone is bringing flowers and plants inside their homes. Why won’t you? If you haven’t heard of it, Americans are back to gardening again for stress-relief and food since the spike of the pandemic. If you’re worried about not having a green thumb, pick plants that are hard to kill.

3. Refresh the tile grout

If water and brush don’t do the job, go for baking soda and vinegar. These two are terrific dirt removers. Mix them and start brushing away. If that doesn’t make the tile flooring look fresh and revived? We don’t know what is.

4. Repaint the walls

white wall

A fresh coat alone can already dramatically alter the look of a room. It can change the way you feel when you enter a room. So if you are looking for a change of vibe in your space, repainting is the way to go! Also, paint does not only protect your walls against environmental factors; it also increases your property’s curb appeal, especially if you pan to sell your home later.

5. Organize all the cables

Some people can’t be bothered by messy cables since nobody sees them under their desks until they need to unplug something. That’s when the chaos registers. There are hundreds of videos on YouTube that can guide you to clean up the cable mess. Do it! Your life will be better for it.

6. Add some window boxes

We did say, bring in the plants, but do not forget to leave some for a window box too. There is just something about window boxes that makes our hearts leap every time we look out the window. This is also a great attraction for butterflies and birds that we can watch and admire from indoors.

7. Upgrade bathroom

Do a deep clean by scouring the floors and removing tile grout dirt. Remember the use of baking soda and vinegar? Don’t forget to clean the faucets and showerheads, too. They are the most-used things in the bathroom, yet, the most-neglected ones at the same time. So make everything spotless so you can see what else needed fixing. If you are looking for a complete update, repaint the walls, or floral wallpapers would be great as well.

8. Replace outdated light fixtures

Updating your fixtures can be an instant upgrade to any room. This can easily give your home a new aesthetic appeal without spending a lot of money. In fact, it can save you more. Back in the day, we don’t have a lot of options for light fixtures. But now, there is a wide array of lighting that are cost-efficient and energy-saving available in the market.

Some projects here can be done without spending a dollar if not, can be finished in a matter of hours. If you have the whole weekend, you can definitely accomplish more projects in a day.

Take these ideas, and you will realize that a ton of money isn’t necessary to make a significant improvement in your home. Keep in mind that sometimes, the smallest things can make the biggest impact.

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