Elevated Living: Grow Better Crops with Dome Greenhouses

dome greenhouse

The elevation is a significant factor when growing crops. With high altitude comes stronger winds, colder temperatures, and higher concentrations of ultraviolet radiation. A standard greenhouse can make growing your crops easier. But why not take it to the next level with a geodesic greenhouse and polycarbonate sheets.

Structurally Unmatched

Geodesic domes are some of the (if not the) strongest structures ever made. Unlike normal buildings, geodomes grow stronger the bigger they get. Its curved and modular design distributes stress across its entire surface, enabling it to withstand forces that would topple most structures. Without a flat surface to find purchase, wind flows around the dome, making it safe from hurricane-force winds.

The geodesic dome is so resilient and secure. Along with Elon Musk, NASA is planning to utilize its design when building colonies on the moon or Mars. The strength and stability of geodesic greenhouses make them unlikely to get damaged by strong winds or heavy snow. Polycarbonate sheets make your geodome even more resistant to impacts. Unlike glass, polycarbonate sheets are shatterproof and won’t be affected by hail, a wayward bird, or even a thrown stone.

More Efficient Use of Light

Glass greenhouses use sunlight only when the sun is near or at its peak. The dome shape of geodesic greenhouses does not limit their efficiency, allowing them to absorb the maximum amount of sunlight at any given time. Your crops will receive more sunlight, allowing them to photosynthesize for longer periods. You’ll have bigger yields as well as faster harvests. Using polycarbonate sheets diffuses sunlight that enters your greenhouse, allowing a more even distribution among your crops. You won’t have to worry about shadows and positioning, as every corner of your greenhouse (figuratively) will be basking in the sunlight.

You’ll be heading to your local landscape supplier for more fertilizer as your crops will take in sunlight and nutrients at a faster rate. Your crops will be bigger and more uniform in size as if grown on a commercial farm. Polycarbonate sheets also filter out ultraviolet (UV) radiation that comes with sunlight. States like Utah and Colorado are bombarded with higher UV concentrations by around 6 to 8 percent more for every 1,000 feet of elevation.

Absorbs and Retains More Heat

inside a greenhouse

Geodesic domes make full use of available sunlight throughout the day, enabling them to absorb more heat. Geodesic domes are 3 to 6 degrees warmer than standard greenhouses, which is essential if you want to extend your growing season, grow crops during winter, or grow heat-loving crops like peppers, melons, or tomatoes. Its curved surface enables efficient airflow around its structure, making it cooler during the summer and warmer during the winter. Even in heavy snow, the dome shape of a geodesic greenhouse makes it less likely to retain snow, and its bigger surface area makes it easier to melt snow when temperatures go up.

Polycarbonate sheets will add another layer of insulation, as these sheets have pockets of air that further limit heat transfer. Unfortunately, your greenhouse can get particularly hot during the summer. Coupled with the dry air of elevated states, it could leave your crops dehydrated. Consider using shades to limit sunlight during the summer and place a barrel of water or two inside your greenhouse to make it a bit more humid.

Easier Repair and Maintenance

Geodesic domes require very little maintenance. Its smaller panels are less prone to damage, especially if you opt for polycarbonate sheets. If a sheet does get damaged (which is highly unlikely), you can easily do the repairs on your own. Polycarbonate sheets are inexpensive, and a box cutter is enough to adjust them to the right shape and size.

Safer for Kids and Pets

Glass greenhouses can be dangerous to kids and pets. Even without shattering, running into the glass can be painful, and injuries can be sustained. A polycarbonate geodesic greenhouse is a lot safer. The curved surface of the greenhouse absorbs a small amount of force, and polycarbonate sheets will cushion any impact.

More Bang for Your Buck

One of the main reasons polycarbonate geodesic greenhouses are growing popular is affordability. A standard greenhouse can set you back by $5,000 to $10,000. Geodesic domes might be harder to construct. However, with a geodesic kit, you can start building your greenhouse for less than $1,000.

Geodesic domes are the best type of greenhouses you can buy. With elevation, their superiority over traditional greenhouses becomes more apparent, whether in heat retention, sunlight use, durability, and many other factors.

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