Understanding Why Your Home’s Utility Bills May Be Rising

An aging couple checking their bills

Have you recently noticed that your home’s utility bills seem to be creeping up, even though your energy usage habits haven’t changed? If so, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, it’s a pretty common occurrence. The typical home utility bill is now around $2,000. However, there are several reasons your home’s utility bills may rise, and some of them may surprise you. Keep reading to learn more about why this happens and what you can do about it.

The Weather is Changing

Believe it or not, the weather can significantly impact your home’s energy usage—and, as a result, your utility bills. For example, during the winter months, you may use more heat and electricity to keep your home warm and comfortable. Alternatively, in the summertime, you may use more air conditioning than usual to stay calm. Either way, changes in the weather can cause your utility bills to go up. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about this one except be aware of it and budget accordingly.

New Appliances

Did you recently purchase any new appliances for your home? If so, that could be one reason your utility bills have increased. Newer devices are often more energy-efficient than older ones, which means they use less energy overall. However, they can still put a strain on your home’s energy usage—and your wallet. So if you have any new appliances in your home, make sure to use them sparingly and only when necessary to help offset the cost of the increased energy usage.

The Cost of Electricity is Going Up

One of the main reasons your home’s utility bills might be rising is because the electricity cost is rising. According to the EIA, the average price of electricity for residential customers increased by 13 cents from 2017 to 2018. And unfortunately, it doesn’t look like prices will go down anytime soon; the EIA predicts that prices will continue to rise by about 2% per year through 2020. Several reasons for this price increase include the rising cost of natural gas (which is used to generate electricity), higher demand for electricity due to population growth, and upgrades to the electric grid.

A pipe leakage inside a home


Another problem that could be causing your home’s utility bills to go up is leakages. Many homes have some leakage, but usually, the costliest leakages come from the faucet and a faulty dishwasher. If your dishwasher is defective, consider hiring dishwater repair services to help you out. They can patch up your dishwasher to make it more efficient and help you avoid those annoying leaks. They can also ensure that your dishes wouldn’t smell like soap water.

Additionally, you should get your home checked by a plumber to make sure that there isn’t any leakage from your faucet. A leaky faucet can waste a ton of water without you even knowing it, resulting in a higher utility bill.

Older Home

Believe it or not, as your home ages, its energy efficiency decreases. This is due to several factors, including wear and tear on windows and doors, drafts caused by cracks and gaps in the house’s structure, and more. As a result, older homes use more energy overall—which means higher utility bills for homeowners. Here are two affordable options to patch up your aging home.


First, start by updating its insulation. Here are some materials you should use for insulation:

  • Fiberglass: A cheap and affordable option is fiberglass insulation. Made of tiny fibers that trap air, fiberglass is relatively easy to install and won’t irritate your skin or lungs.
  • Spray foam: For maximum efficiency, opt for spray foam insulation. It’s made from a combination of chemicals that expand rapidly when sprayed into walls, creating an aerated layer between the interior and exterior of your home.
  • Cellulose: Made from recycled paper, cellulose insulation is one of the most eco-friendly options for insulation. It’s also very efficient and can help reduce your energy bills.

Windows and Doors

Another option for catching leaks affecting your utility bill is upgrading old windows and doors. Older windows are often drafty and allow cold air to enter your house, which can increase your heating costs. Similarly, worn-down doors could let in a ton of heat during the summer months and create a cool breeze in the wintertime. If you’re looking for more affordable options, look into vinyl or fiberglass replacements. These materials

If you’ve noticed that your home’s utility bills have been rising lately, don’t panic—there’s likely an excellent explanation for it. Fixing these problems, budgeting accordingly, and investing in energy-saving improvements for your home will help keep costs down in the long run.

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