Great Interior Design Basics — You Can Never Go Wrong

Everyone knows that interior design requires creativity and flair, but not many are aware that there’s a degree of science involved. Professional interior designers typically follow a series of ‘rules’ based on interior designing principles and elements — creating a balanced and aesthetically pleasing home.

Although you can always rely on professionals like plumbing and construction companies to fix your home, it’s best to leave the designing part to yourself. After all, nobody knows ‘home’ as you do.

Here are the interior design basics to help you out.


Color is more than a design — it also influences the entire mood and feeling of your home. For instance, most people deem blues and greens as soothing, while yellow translates to happiness. If you’re having a hard time coming up with a color scheme, consider following the 60-30-10 rule. Where 60% of a room consists of wall spaces and prominent anchor pieces like sofas, 30% are accents like wood trim or rugs, and 10% for small trinkets.

The 60% should be where you’re basing your ‘main palette,’ in forms of either paint or wallpaper, while the 30% consists of your accent colors, so ensure to vary the tones to add more life to the area, and the 10% is where you can experiment.


Form or shape expresses the contours of 3D objects inside the home, ranging from artwork to furniture. These usually come in organic forms (natural and irregular) or geometric forms (sharp or artificial lines and edges). For instance, if you’re looking for a ‘modern’ home interior, using geometric furniture can help you achieve just that.


Lighting is integral to any home, whether it’s natural or artificial. When choosing lighting fixtures for your home, consider the light color, light intensity, and if it should be dimmable. For instance, in the kitchen, it’s best to have a bright light for seamless cooking or a blue-colored light in the bedroom for better sleep.

Living room


Lines can either be vertical, horizontal, or dynamic (expression motion like zigzags or curlicues). Interior designers suggest using horizontal lines to establish a sense of security and vertical lines for a bold statement. However, if you’re looking for something more unique, dynamic lines are a great base to start with as they follow their own set of rules — adding a fun touch to spaces when used strategically.


Patterns are the intentional repetition of design elements like lines. Interior designers typically use this on wallpapers or fabrics. Although this element can add life and motion to your home, keep it to a minimum, as too much of it can look messy, so tread lightly.


Texture pertains to how an object feels, meaning it involves touching rather than merely observing. For instance, you may say a surface looks ‘vintage’ without touching it thanks to its creative use of this concept. This element is crucial in parts of the home where people often contact, such as the floor.


Space is the heart of every interior design decision. It has two basic types, including 2D space and 3D space. The 2D space is essential to consider when thinking of carpets as it accounts for the room’s length and width, while 3D space is crucial for shelving and other furniture as it accounts for the height. Remember to leave enough ’empty’ space for fluid and easy navigation.

Besides improving your home’s internal appearance, getting these basic elements to work together enhances functionality — and you should always consider them when creating any interior.

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