Home Improvement

roof maintenance

6 Common Household Parts You Forgot to Clean Last Spring

House maintenance is not as simple as regularly vacuuming and sweeping the floor of your bedrooms and living room. There are many parts in your household that need love too! Not paying attention to these “unloved” areas can be costly if left unattended for prolonged periods of time. Here’s a quick rundown of household areas

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maintenance man

Home Renovation: Maybe Skip the DIY and Call a Pro

With social distancing protocols enforced, hiring someone to renovate, repair, or improve parts of your home can be difficult. You might put yourself at risk, and workers are put at risk too. That’s why DIYing is a popular choice right now. Some claim that DIY projects can help reduce costs and can assure you that your

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home exterior with solar panel roofing

Maintenance Checks for Homeowners

Being a homeowner doesn’t end at the purchase of a house. It’s a big financial responsibility and an even larger personal responsibility to keep it in tip-top shape. You need to put in the time and effort it takes to keep your home fit for your family. If you’re a new homeowner, it can be

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painting door frame

What to Do Before Giving Your Home a Makeover

Giving your home a makeover can be a big task and will require a lot of planning. Most people will want to fast-forward to the work so that they can see their dream renovation happen right before their eyes. But planning efficiently is enjoyable too and will save you a lot of headaches down the line.

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smart home technology

Household Upgrades That Save You Money in the Long Term

Although owning a home can be an outstanding achievement you make in life, it can get expensive in the long run. In fact, around 3 in 10 homeowners (30%) don’t have the funds set aside for house repairs upgrades, leaving most to spend thousands of dollars every year. To help you avoid shedding out that

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preparing for rising waters

Ready For The Flood: Upgrading Your Home For Watery Disasters

Floods can destroy homes and lives. Even if the damage is minimal, it could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars. But you should be able to prevent the floodwaters from coming in with some smart improvements. Here are some things that can be a big help. Start With Major Landscaping Changes Floodwater usually comes

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backyard design

Time for Change: Signs Your Backyard Needs Renovation

Your backyard is your home’s private haven. It is where you take refuge in the company of your plants after a long day. It is where you and your family have an impromptu barbecue party. It is that venue where you lose yourself in the story of the novel you’re reading. While your backyard is

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House interior

How to Make Your House Look Bigger

Something is welcoming and inviting about a big space. It’s no wonder why in home interior design, it has always been a goal. Aside from getting a house extension service, here are some more ways to achieve a larger room without spending much: 1. Scale it down Most interior designers will probably tell you that

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