Home Improvement

eco friendly house

5 Little Adjustments to Make Your Home Earth-Friendly

You may not realize it but pollution is one of the world’s biggest killers today. That might leave you scratching your head in surprise. But statistics show a very dire situation. Pollution affects over 2 0 million people globally. If you put that in perspective, pollution takes a heavier toll than many of the most

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house covered in snow

Winter Weather Damages and How to Fix and Prepare for Them

As snow melts and the haze of winter fades away, it becomes more evident what the harsh season has done to your home. The cracked exterior paint, rotting door frames, and busted gutters are just a few of the winter damages your home can incur. Here’s a guide to preventing and fixing these post-winter nuisances.

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home interior

Minor Details That Can Brighten Up Your Home Aesthetic

We’ll admit that we sometimes go overboard with all the big and large-scale projects; there’s just something when it comes to working on a project for so long and feeling that huge sigh of relief when all that effort pays off in the end. It’s downright addictive, and it’s also super productive because your property

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two people looking at the renovation plan

Summer Renovations for the Home: Doing During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic might be in full swing, but that doesn’t mean that people and work—in general—would also halt. Many contractors are still in business primarily because construction and renovation haven’t been stopped completely. Some protocols have been rolled out for contractors and similar service providers to follow in the new normal. If you want

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home redesign planning

The Best Pandemic-proof Home Redesign Ideas

Medical experts said that it is only a matter of time before the next pandemic arrives. We are not yet done with the current one, but we should already be preparing our homes for the next one. Another year of lockdown in our homes will not be good for our mental and physical health. However,

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backyard at dawn

Can You Design A Backyard Garden For Play?

Here you are waking to the sound of your alarm when suddenly your kid comes rushing through the door, jumping on the bed, and asking, “what’s for breakfast!” And, instead of getting a couple more minutes of shut-eye before starting the day, you hurriedly wake yourself up to whip up some food. Of course, you

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home redesign planning

Industrial Style for a Better Home

In manufacturing, it’s all about making the most of things. It’s the way industrial make things happen. The Industrial Revolution, itself, which started in the year 1760 placed manufacturing in high gear both in Europe and in the United States. Where hand production methods used to run the show, machines now are the main production

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tiny kitchen

Thinking Big in a Tiny House Kitchen

Many people are unwilling to shift to tiny house living because space feels too important to give up. But oftentimes, having tons of space only serves as an encouragement to accumulate things without a second thought. Residing in a tiny house inspires people to live mindfully. Having a lot of space is definitely a helpful

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solar powered houses

Clean Energy for Elevated Homes in the US

Almost everyone is concerned about climate change — and one way to make actual changes is by reducing your home’s reliance on the electrical grid. More than 66 percent of US power production relies on fossil fuels. Alternative energy sources like wind and solar will make your home greener, and recent developments have made wind

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