March 2021

two people looking at the renovation plan

Summer Renovations for the Home: Doing During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic might be in full swing, but that doesn’t mean that people and work—in general—would also halt. Many contractors are still in business primarily because construction and renovation haven’t been stopped completely. Some protocols have been rolled out for contractors and similar service providers to follow in the new normal. If you want

Summer Renovations for the Home: Doing During the Pandemic Read More »

office space

Indoor Air Pollution in the Office? Here’s What to Do to Prevent It

You and your workmates spend most of the day inside your office building that you can practically consider it as your second home. As such, you must create a positive working environment for yourself and your co-workers to maintain office productivity and lessen stress and illnesses. But could you create a warm and cozy atmosphere

Indoor Air Pollution in the Office? Here’s What to Do to Prevent It Read More »

climate change concept

Faced with Climate Change, Homeowners Must Value Durability and Mobility

We’re facing a growing crisis driven by climate change, and this holds significant implications for how we’ll live in the future. This phenomenon is making many locations around the world unbearably hot. Some suffer from unprecedented levels of drought and wildfires. Others are facing the threat of record storm patterns and submersion by rising sea

Faced with Climate Change, Homeowners Must Value Durability and Mobility Read More »

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